He's not happy with the students, with the fact that they're waving Mexican flags or that there are St. Patrick's Day celebrations in the United States.
What a grumpy old coot.
In an interview with National Council of La Raza President, Janet Murguia, he was at his crabby best, making little sense and offering nothing in the way of a constructive aguement.
As Murgia is trying to make a point about conservative southern lawmakers finding guest visas as appealing alternatives, Dobbs called them "wrongheaded."

"They're wrongheaded at both ends," he said before accusing the Democrats of grubbing for votes and the Republicans for advocating cheap, unskilled labor. Instead of trotting out constructive counterpoints (such as the newest crop of unskilled, illegal workers take the jobs of last year's unskilled, illegal workers) Dobbs was content to call people "wrongheaded." Repeatedly. They cut to commercial before anyone was branded a doody-head.
Nothing quite beats a CNN anchor pouting like a kindergartner on national television. Eh, still better than Fox News.
The other highlight was the mayor's address to the students in California. Everyone is cheering and waving flags and the mayor scores points for telling them that he signed a formal proclaimation that asks the feds to reconsider the recent moves. Yaaaaaaay!
...Oh, and thanks for the interest you've shown kids, but can you go back to school now? Boooooo!
Who says the 60s have the market cornered on youth involvement in politics?
(Photos from CNN.com / NCLR.org)
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