A mere six months after winning it all, the disrespect begins anew. I guess this is just karma. I think that White Sox fans have enjoyed this title less than any other fan base in the past 20 years. Things are a little less rosy when they all filter through the prism of White Sox fan's inferiority complex.
While I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, I'd bet dollars to dougnuts that most of their fans see the Cubs on the front page of ESPN.com and don't think, "OK, breathe... We just won a World Series. That's enough for me..." but rather, "Crap. Here we go again..."
Honestly, I'm getting a really sick charge out of shit like this. Now that the shock and damage has worn off and dulled I'm pretty untouchable on this. I've been as ill as I can be and I know this is exactly the kind of thing that drives White Sox fans batshit.
The first set of stories from ESPN.com on the upcoming season - previews, team caps, etc. - has four on the Cubs, one on the Sox (a locked down column by Peter Gammons). This couldn't please me more.

I have to admit that even moreso than in other years, I'm praying for a Cubs World Series this season. Following Boston and Chicago in back to back years, it doesn't seem as far-fetched as it might have five years ago (and makes even more sense if you buy into the conspiracy theories about MLB). See, the thing is that the worst thing that could happen to the White Sox and their fans would be a Cubs World Series win this year.
(Note: I don't think the Cubs will even make the playoffs this year, much less win, but who would have picked the White Sox last year?)
Here's the thing about the World Series last year - it goes away if the Cubs win this year. It becomes a footnote to history when bookended by the Red Sox and Cubs winning. Hell, even if the Cubs make the playoffs in the next five years, then the White Sox fade. It is stupid and petty and indicative of my hatred of the White Sox and their fans, but I'd love to see this.
Imagine a world 20 years from now as White Sox fans fume at cocktail parties as people recount those few crazy years in baseball when Boston won and then the Cubs won like a year or two later and it takes about 30 seconds before they have to scream, "The White Sox! It was the White Sox that won a year after Boston! The White Sox!"
Even if there's literally next to no chance of the Cubs making the postseason, God, it makes my week just thinking about the possibility of this. Seriously, check out my nipples - you could cut glass with them.
(Photo from ESPN.com)
The Sox fan base have enjoyed this championship less than ayone else? Are you kidding me? Look at what has happened to Red Sox Nation over the past year. Players went on Queer Eye, the team lost Pedro and Derrick Lowe, the fans bitched about Keith Foulke and Rent-a-wreck all summer, guys in the clubhouse were calling out Schilling and vice versa, the fans wanted to lynch the club president for driving Theo away and then bringing him back in, and the Nation was pretty much the most insufferable group of fans ever. All of the positive emotions I felt toward the Red Sox and their fan base after they won the World Series were gone after the crap they pulled all last season.
I'll give Cub fans this much - they wouldn't be anywhere near as pompous if they won the World Series. The only thing they're pompous about is assuming that White Sox must still have some type of inferiority complex. Whatever - we won the World Series - that's all that needs to be said. It seems to me that the Cub fans need to get over it and demand some results on the field instead of trumpeting how pretty and popular their ballpark is all of the time.
Uh, dude? Your manager hit a guy with a chair on a second-rate wrestling show as your starting catcher stood next to him.
How is that any better than Queer Eye?
Otherwise, how is any of the other stuff different from any other year with any other team? Keep in mind before any of that stuff happened in Boston, your manager (again) threated to fuck up his former center fielder.
People in glass houses run by lunatics shouldn't throw stones.
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