(I'm sure there's a diarrhea sounding like a hail storm joke here, but it's late and I lack motivation in my life as a whole.)
Apparently, the wild horses I'd ordered up were unavailable from National Car Rental or any of the other fine companies represented at O'Hare Airport and so I was left to fend for myself in the fesitval seating of National's lot.

Being 6-3, I can't fit in the clown cars that pass for affordable compacts and have to start right in with the intermediates. I'm OK with this. What shocked me was after seeing that National's intermediates were Pontiac G6's on the web site the actual lot had a G6, a Chevy Cobalt station wagon and a shitload of minivans.
As I'm walking up, I ask one of the lot attendants what he thought of the set. "I don't want to pay $250 in gas," I said only half-jokingly.
After about 45 seconds on how the guys who work the lot sit in running minivans when the weather is hot or cold, he tells me the Dodge minivan is the best one there at fuel economy. I guess at idle speed it really sips the gas, which was good enough for me.

"Oh, yeah, man," he said, "It's got some huevos."
Good enough. And on top of that I was able to roll off the lot with a Grand Caravan which officially upgrades it from badass ride to chick magnet. More tomorrow, I need to go scrape the ladies from the windshield and pry one loose from the grille - The Grand Cranny is due back tomorrow, probably so Burt Reynolds can rent it Wednesday or something.
(Dodge.com / Cinematical.com / NNdb.com)
Of course it's the day I make 30 poop jokes and post a picture of a naked Burt Reynolds on a bearskin rug - http://www.cinematical.com/images/2005/07/znaniBurt%20Reynolds.jpg -that Chicagoist runs a picture of mine on their front page and starts ringing up my Flickr counter.
Of course it is...
Still a kickass Burt picture, though - really, really funny.
Will you be driving the minivan to the bank when you cash the check from Chicagoist?
Yes. Yes, I will...
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