I'm not so much a weather fan as a destruction fan. I think it's great that things built to withstand high schoolers are the only things that survive tornadoes. Can we get more stats on this? Like the percentage of high schools that survive direct hits by twisters?
In other natural disaster news, Sharon Stone's career is having spasms in the middle of the street for all the world to see. This is a really unique situation.

Sharon Stone is in now in the class of Carrot Top, Jean Claude Van Damme and Steven Segal of "actors" who have lost their audiences. The people have spoken, Sharon... and they want you to go away. Being lumped in with washed up action stars seems to be fitting, too. All three relied on their bodies for attention and all three have been betrayed.
Now she's saying if there are no takers, she'll direct Basic Instinct 3. Right.
Have you ever seen a child have a temper tantrum in public and as it ramps up the parent lets the kid start huffing and puffing and getting out of control until they step in, take the toy or whatever from their hand and remove them from the situation? Then, as a bystander, you just know that kid isn't going to get away with continually being such a brat? I see a lot of that in Sharon Stone wanting to direct.
She can hoot and holler and cry and scream all she wants, but Mama Studio is going to keep cooly and calmly telling her, "No Sharon, that's enough. You're done now."
In doing press for this week's bomb, Basic Instinct 2: The Case of the Mummified Beaver, Stone went bonkers about how crazy it is to travel abroad with all of her fans there. My advice?
Go there.
Stay there.
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