Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In communist Russia, leaves rake you!

Someday, when my child asks me why communism bit it, I'll smile, pat them on the head and go back to watching baseball.

Eventually, when their incessant bitching finally wears me down, I hope that breakdown occurs in the fall, because then life will be easy.

I'll take them out into the yard, watch the leaves swirl around and ask why in the hell anyone would rake the lawn when the wind and busy-bee neighbors will do the same work for free and without having to give up a perfectly good weekend day.

You see, there's no real reason to clean up your yard when the problem becomes not yours every time the wind blows. It's a perfect little world, no? USA! USA!

I mean, the public good is fine and all, but really, if you choose not to do your part, it doesn't impact your world that much except that the neighbors might give you the stink eye.

Really, what's in it for me, other than a sore back?

Why doesn't Communism work, little one? Because people like Daddy are jerks. Stupid, selfish jerks.

(Image from Canonical.org)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I spent 2 hours yesterday raking up your damn leaves... well - in theory.
My neighbor is that ass hole who doesn't rake the leaves and they all blow into my yard.
Then to rub salt in my wounds - his dogs takes craps in my yard and I end up raking that up to...
I am a loser.