Sunday, March 25, 2007

Life with the Sickleys

One of the lasting reminders of the Florida trip has to be the lumps on my left arm that appeared after a day in the sun as we were leaving on Wednesday.

We assumed it was from the spray-on sunscreen I'd been using when we were at the pool or baseball games - it looked like a bad sunburn, except for the whole sunscreen thing - took some over the counter stuff and let it run its course.

Since then, I went to work Thursday and Friday and then headed home to Chicago this weekend to help my sister and her husband do remodeling work on their new home.

My arm started to look better until the drive back today, when it ran into the sun again and made my entire forearm take on the texture of a football again. So much for the sunscreen thesis.

Now, I hope that this case of Football Arm goes away in time and everything returns to normal, but I'm mildly concerned, especially in light of The Girl's ongoing battle with Pirate Eye.

Every so often, her eyelid will swell up and then the pirate jokes start. It's worth noting that he doctor she sees has no clue whatsoever about what is causing Pirate Eye. The frontrunner is an allergic reaction to something on her pillows, but so far, we can't narrow it down.

The botom line is that is she's allergic to sleep and I'm allergic to sunshine, we're in for a world of shit when we have little rugrats running around sneezing when they get too much oxygen or breaking out in a rash when they come into contact with wood.

(Image from:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kids that are allergic to sleep and sunshine - sounds like you're going to have a bunch of Michael Jacksons running around in the future.