Monday, February 05, 2007

So very, very cold

It's cold up here.

We're talking cold like a Jack London novel. Sled dogs are dying on the sidewalks and our mailman was found frozen just blocks from the post office.

Closer to home, our toilet is frozen solid.

Seriously, no joke - there is no water making its way into the toilet tank.

We have a cooking pot that we're using to drop hot water into the top tank in the hopes of thawing back down the pipe, but it's a losing battle.

After the second transfusion of hot water, The Girl and I just stood in the bathroom, laughing at the insanity of the whole mess.

If we owned and weren't renting here, I'd be on my way to Home Depot to buy a torch and melt the hell out of the pipes, but we'll play it safe and wait for the thaw to come in a day or so.

Failing that, we'll go with The Girl's suggestion: Pissing in the pot and throwing it out the back door.

I'm pretty sure it'd freeze before it even hit the ground.

(Image from

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Similar issue...

Yesterday - toilet water was going down on the top floor - but coming back up and out in the basement toilet.

"If it's yellow - let it mellow" was enforced until noon - when the pipes had thawed enough to flush again...