There are some things I get worked up over because it's fun to get worked up over and cause a scene and there are some things that get under my skin and piss me off to a degree that even I'm not sure if I'll be able to react rationally.
This is one of those times.

Only the starfuckers who run the LA county sheriffs department would say she was not released early with a straight face. She went from prison to a mansion. I'm not technically an architect, but those don't sound like the same thing. And I'm sure this sentence will get cut in half too. By tomorrow, they'll take off the house arrest ankle bracelet and replace it with the Congressional Medal of Valor, and they'll do it in one of those big ceremonies like at the end of Star Wars.
And this:
So, to recap, what was originally a 45 day sentence in jail became a 23 day sentence with a hand picked cellmate and then eventually a three day stay in a private cell. And even though she's the angel of death behind the wheel, she’ll be back on the road by noon. Fantastic.
One more to pile on? OK.
God this is so insulting. Such a blatant lie. Fuck you Steve Whitmore. What medical reason could this whore have that would keep her out of solitary confinement? That's what you do to people with medical conditions, you keep them isolated and under constant supervision. She probably had a note signed by a Dr. but in her world "Dr" means the dude was a DJ or drug dealer. I wanna see this note and if it's signed "Dr. Groove" I'm gonna go absolutely apeshit.
Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take some deep breaths and prepare for the inevitable reaming headed her way from the angels over at South Park.
God bless you, Matt and Trey. You're doing the Lord's work.
(Image from
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