Sure, if it's a true, homegrown, locally-owned coffee shop, you could probably talk me into it, but on the whole I have no use for Starbucks and Caribou Coffee is really pushing it.

The division in customer bases isn't lost on Dunkin' Donuts.
(Temple University history professor, Bryant Simon, who is writing a book on Starbucks) asked one Dunkin’ higher-up if there were plans in place to add Wi-Fi. “No, he said, because the last thing he wants is guys in trucks, getting their coffee, to walk in and have no place to sit because there’s a bunch of people in ties banging away on their laptops.”
Sorry other bloggers and aspiring screenwriters.
Personally, I can't do any better than Dunkin' Donuts and look forward to getting coffee there for a week before I head home now. The donut portion of the equation is just an added bonus.
Here's a cool story about the little donut shop that could and how they've managed to stave off the encroachment of the big chains - yes, I realize that Dunkin' is a chain itself.
I have to say that I dig being able to at least buy the coffee and between that and Bobak's sausage, I could - and have - lived almost exclusively on mail order food.
For the record there apparently used to be Dunkin's in the Minneapolis area, which are all gone now, but many of the locals have forgotten that the shops have left. Whenever the conversation comes up, I'm given a shred of hope that there's a small, forgotten shop somewhere in the sticks until whoever is telling the story remembers that the shop in question isn't a Dunkin' to begin with or is now an oil change place.
It's no mistake that there are four or five shops within a three-block walk of where we're holding our wedding reception. There's a better than average chance that I'll be sneaking out with my groomsmen at some point in the wedding for a cup of coffee and a dount.
(Image from:
Are there Tim Horton's up there? You're virtually in Canada.
Dunkin'Donuts and Starbucks are currently in a full-out, nuclear war in Philadelphia...trying to find any blade of grass they can to put a shop upon. Starbucks has rolled out the drive-thrus to try to compete, but people in Philly just want the coffee hot and fast...and one thing Starbucks ain't is fast. Also, sporting one of the fattest, heaviest populations of any major city, Philly-ites want a donut, not a scone. Starbucks will find its niche in the richer parts of the suburbs, but Dunkin' will kick their Seattle grunge-butts overall...even with Rachael Ray as their new spokesperson.
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