Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm almost sure there are laws against this

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems like a bad pitch for a buddy cop movie.

Mesa, Arizona police really want a monkey and in order to try and legitimize the request, they're almost positive that they can equip the monkey with cop gear and send it into hostile situations. (Note, this is just my guess, I'm sure this is the dawning of a new era in law enforcement.)

If PETA hasn't already organized a protest of some sort, they've officially disbanded.

According to the WTOP web site:

Weighing only 3 to 8 pounds with tiny humanlike hands and puzzle-solving skills, Truelove said it could unlock doors, search buildings and find suicide victims on command. Dressed in a Kevlar vest, video camera and two-way radio, the small monkey would be able to get into places no officer or robot could go.

Are they going to try and out-cute criminals now? No word on how the work on a tiny handgun or miniature grenade launcher is coming along.

Not that they'd really need them, I guess. When finding the graphic for this post, I learned one thing - even tiny monkeys will jack you up at a moment's notice.

(Image from

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