Monday, October 29, 2007

Believe it or not, a fond farewell

Given the rocky start that Minnesota and I got off to, it was a bit shocking that I didn't leave a roadrunner dust cloud on my way out of state.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but no one should be allowed to move into Minnesota without full time employment between the months of November and March. Being stuck inside for several months without outside interaction from other people is a degree of torture that would turn even the Bush administration's stomachs.

Had I known, I would have taken this test. For the record I scored: Somewhat Minnesotan. Maybe you have a Minnesotan relative or friend, or maybe you moved here in your adult life.

Still, once the initial shock wore off and I met more people things got better. We have standing plans to head north for the Back to the 50s Weekend next year, as well as a few other spontaneous trips throughout to keep in touch with friends.

If I take anything from the whole experience - aside from a desire to continue volunteering, which is another full post by itself - it's that a bit of Minnesota nice has rubbed off which actually makes getting by in Chicago a bit easier.

Granted, I was home for a grand total of 17 hours before someone called me an asshole as I drove home from the store, but I've cheated back towards "human" on that sliding scale of polite society. After a Chicago to DC to Chicago jump, I'd lost a bit of that after dealing with crowds and all of the assorted unpleasant behavior that comes from cramming a few million people into the same area code.

So, while I probably won't be going door-to-door handing out fruit baskets and hugs, I did introduce myself to any neighbor visible the first time I saw them, which is something I didn't do before.

Judging by the looks I got, that was something that doesn't happen often, but it is worth repeating in the future. I have East Dakota Minnesota to thank for that.

(Image from

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